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100 Days of UI - Day #1 - Sign-Up - Design Part 2

Writer's picture: Sasha BloreSasha Blore

For this part of the design, I'm going to make a prototype of the design and then create a video on Adobe After Effects to showcase the effects I'd like the interactions to have.



Was there probably a better way of doing this? Yes.

Did I show what I wanted to show through doing it this way? Yes!

I may not have done the prototype in the most efficient way and I'm sure that in a few months, I'll look back at this and cringe at how hard I've made it for myself but alas, here I am with a prototype that does what I want it to!

For starters, let's see all of the connections:

The far left is the basic modal with no changes to it. The top line is the process of clicking the mailbox, The middle line is the typing an email in process and selecting sign up and the bottom line is selecting each one of the platforms.

I'm fairly sure there is a way to create something like the hexes in a component or something that will automatically change them back and forth when clicked but I'll have to look into components and variables more at some stage!

If you'd like a look at the prototype yourself, have a play below!

The platform selected does revert back to the second one when you click anything else on the screen but I still feel as though this is a good example of the intention for all of the interactive elements.



I was planning on making an example of the effects I'd like to see in after effects but I no longer have a licence and thus, I will show it in Davinci Resolve instead to the best of my ability.

It isn't using the sabre plugin that I wanted to use in After Effects for the red highlight but I think it still gets across the bounciness and the right vibe I want to convey for the game.

In reality, If I wanted to, I could add some sound effects and or create some music for this as well but since we're focusing on the UI here, I'm going to leave that for now.



In conclusion, I believe that I have followed a good process to get to the end result of my design. It may not be the best design out there and I think I did get a bit wrapped up in showing the process at the expense of consistency and efficiency but even just this 'day 1' has taught me a lot and shown me where my gaps of knowledge are!

Do I already see things that could be changed? Yes. Would they be reviewed frequently and altered after playtesting and releases? Absolutely! This 'day 1' has gone on quite long enough however and I think It's time to move along to day 2, don't you?


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